first southern baptist church of st. george, ut www. fsbcstgeorge. com southern baptist fsbc@infowest. com 326 south 600 east street st.
- 326 S 600 East Saint George, UT 84779
- (435) 673-4511
Holladay Baptist Church - Real Life Transformation
- 2780 E 3900 S Holladay, UT 84124-2002
- (801) 277-9412
No, we are not perfect. But we'll introduce you to the One who is. And, no, we are not the one true church.
- 4770 S 1950 W Kearns, UT 84118-1133
- (801) 969-1593
Ascension Lutheran Church - member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).
- 1105 N Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84404-3201
- (801) 782-2810
For more than forty years, Roy Christian Church has endeavored to connect people to Christ, to His Church, and to send them out into the world.
- 4347 S 1900 W Roy, UT 84067-3117
- (801) 731-4378