Consumer and Commercial Debt Relief with Dignity
The Law Office of Paul Toscano, PC, is a debt relief agency that helps individuals and businesses file for bankruptcy relief. Paul Toscano is a Salt Lake City bankruptcy attorney who offers debt relief with dignity at competitive rates. At our law office:
You will not be judged.
Your first appointment is free with no obligations.
You will meet with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer.
Your questions will be answered.
Your eligibility for bankruptcy relief under Chapters 7 and 13 will be assessed.
You will receive a plan of action for debt relief that is customized for you.
Do You Need a Utah Debt Relief Lawyer?
The warning signs that you may need to file for bankruptcy are:
Credit cards maxed out
Unable to pay monthly installments on time
Foreclosure threats or notices
Borrowing from retirement accounts
Debt Repayment Debt Liquidation Debt Reorganization
When there are more liabilities than assets and more expenses than income, bankruptcy is often the best option, but not the only one. We don't sell bankruptcies. If you don't need to file one, we'll tell you and give you other options.
When Congress amended the bankruptcy laws in year 2005, they made bankruptcy filing much more complicated.
Now more than ever you need an experienced bankruptcy attorney to help put you on a clear path to a fresh start and a better financial future.
Experienced bankruptcy attorney Paul Toscano will review with you the critical issues in your case:
How bankruptcy will affect your credit rating and future purchasing power?
Which assets you can and should protect and how to do it?
Ifpast income taxes can be discharged in your bankruptcy case?
How will your bankruptcy affect your business?
How will your bankruptcy affect others in your family, and in what way?
How your business can survive your bankruptcy?
At The Law Office of Paul Toscano, PC, we offer debt relief through Chapter 7, Chapter 11 and Chapter 13. Call 888-509-3683 for your first free appointment to explore your debt relief options or send our bankruptcy lawyer an e-mail*.
* Please understand that we DO NOT become your lawyers just because you accessed our web site, or emailed us, or even attended a first free appointment with us. We do not become your lawyers until you sign a written contract with us that spells out the legal services we will provide and the estimated fees and costs you will pay.
Business and Complex Bankruptcies
Litigation and Adversary Proceedings
The Law Office of Paul Toscano, PC Newhouse Building
10 Exchange Place, Suite 614