If you have constant or recurring popping of the jaw or if you find yourself grinding or clenching your teeth, you may be experiencing symptoms associated with Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD). You may have heard this mentioned as TMJ before. TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.
If you have pain in the muscles of your jaw, neck, face or shoulder areas, if you are dizzy, have ringing in the ears or frequent headaches or migraines, you may have TMD. These symptoms are referred to as craniofacial pains or disorders.
At the St. George Craniofacial Treatment Center, all of the above mentioned symptoms and more, are looked at, recorded, and analyzed to determine the right diagnosis and the source of your discomfort or pain. Once diagnosed, proper treatment is started or appropriate referrals are made to start you on the road to relief and healing.