Salt Lake City's Full-Service Gift ShopGifts Souvenirs Handbags Native American Jewelry
In business since 2001 and with more than 19 years of experience, Glitz Gift Stores is the family gift shop to visit for great gifts, souvenirs, Rina Rich™ handbags, and Native American jewelry. We also feature an online store so you can shop from the comfort of your own home. Our quality merchandise, affordable prices, and 4 convenient locations in hotels throughout Salt Lake City are what set us apart. Stop by or contact us to find out more. We are a member of the Salt Lake City Visitor's and Traveler's Bureau™ and serve Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas.
Visit our gift shop in Salt Lake City, Utah, for great gifts,
souvenirs, handbags, and Native American jewelry.
Visit our online store and browse through our complete line of gifts, souvenirs, jewelry and more! You'll find Rina Rich handbags, painted ponies, salt crystals, and more!