"At The Peak Of Professionalism"
Alta Painting specializes in residential house painting, condominium painting, house staining, and deck staining, in Park City, Utah and Salt Lake City, Utah. Our commercial painting division is experienced in the painting and maintenance of businesses. Alta Painting Contractors provide exterior and interior painting services for home owners, home owners associations (hoa's), condominium associations, property management companies, and commercial property owners.
It is our mission to extend professionalism to you thru all phases of your paint project. Open communication, a comprehensive painting process, minimal impact, and the experience to make it all happen smoothly put Alta Painting "At The Peak Of Professionalism"
Alta Painting assesses every project on an individual basis in order to determine the best solution for you. We are accessible to any questions you may have regarding your project. Open communication will insure successful completion of your paint project.
Comprehensive Painting Process
Alta painters apply only the highest quality Sherwin Williams paints and stains, and Flood stains over a meticulously prepared surface. Furthermore, we realize the importance of protecting the surfaces that are not to receive paint. You will receive a painting proposal that clearly specifies the scope regarding your project. Our painting process consistently produces a crisp and clean finish that will protect and raise the value of your property.
We realize the properties we paint are in use every day. Alta painters are sensitive to your use. Safety is very important to us. We have a safety program to protect our painters as well as others affected by our presence. We always maintain a clean and organized job site.
Alta Paint Contractors founder Mike Heider has worked in the painting profession for 20 years. He is directly involved in every projetct to insure his painters are attaining his high standards. We produce crisp and clean paint and stain finishes for houses, decks, condominiums, and commercial properties. Every project!