It looks like the update is coming along better than I could have hoped; not much longer until a full update will be up! After a short nap and some debugging, everything should be ready. Again, sorry for the unforseen problems which has prevented any major updates. I hope you all enjoy the new site once it's finally up! Thank you for your patience, and I hope to see a good amount of traffic flowing through this website on launch.
-This web page is nearing completion, however almost all the original files made for the final design have been lost thanks to a fried hard drive; now most visual elements and Flash elements must be redone entirely from scratch again. This unfortunate "turn of events" has pushed the development of the final website to at least another month longer (any visitors that have been here recently must have noticed the original launch date was September 14th). Sorry for the inconvenience.
-New additions include: A new, more visually appealing layout with more interaction, more support for our fans, including suggestion forms, and (eventually, after all basic design and other new elements are done and working properly) even new ways to order, possible account creation and, down the road, interactive games and content.
-In the next day or two, I will be posting the first rough draft drawn for the new design along with the animation storyboards and any other accompanying sketches. Why? Simply to show anyone with interest the work and steps involved in building a website. Also, since the original launch date for this website was September 14th, thanks to an unfortunate hard drive malfunction, the closest anyone will be able to see what was supposed to be here is, unfortunately, the crude first sketches.
-Please excuse any grammatical errors as most of this was written after about 48 hours of no sleep. Any errors will be fixed tomorrow...err, well, later today after I get some much-needed rest. G'night.
-All the latest software: Dreamweaver CS5 (for coding and putting everything together along with uploading any work done to the site); Flash CS5 (used for animations, interactions, some menus, and down the road, possible online-ordering, forms for suggestions, and an easy but "flashy" layout--meaning everything will take place on one page for convenience and easy navigation while, at the same time, having a touch of inter activity and effects, creating a more engrossing experience); Photoshop CS5 (to create textures, polish photos used, partially used to create a "rough-cut" of the design after scanning the hand-drawn one(s), doing the same with any storyboards drawn for animations and page transitions); Fireworks CS5; Illustrator CS5; Premiere CS5 (yes, there is even some video-editing that must be done for certain effects); Device Central CS5 (for "" on mobile devices); 3DS Max 2011 64-bit (for creating 3d elements, effects such as the Firehouse neon logo, borders, and many other features included in "Firehouse 2.0"); Maya 2011 64-bit (used for the same reasons as 3ds max; most 3d elements were originally made in 3ds Max and therefore must still be edited and rendered with 3ds Max--the only reason for Maya is for any new 3d models created as Maya runs on Mac OS Snow Leopard and 3ds Max only runs on Windows, making it rather annoying to swap back and forth between OS's...unless, of course, I use Parallel's Desktop).
Branches and additional offices:
(435) 787-4222880 S Main St Ste 180 Logan, UT 84321-6900
(801) 294-4224330 N Market Place Dr Ste B100 Centerville, UT 84014-1725