Shar's Realty 82 North Main Street Roosevelt, Utah 84066 (435) 722-2545 Toll Free (877) 738-4824
Looking For Real Estate in Roosevelt, UT or Real Estate In Vernal, Utah? or Uintah Basin Real Estate? Look No Further Then Shar's Realty
If you are looking to buy or sell Real Estate in Roosevelt, UT, Vernal, UT, Duchesne county, Uintah county or anywhere in the Uintah Basin, of Eastern Utah, Shars Realty is the place to be. Shar's Realty has been servicing home buyers and sellers for nearly 13 years.
Since we opened our doors in 1998, we have captured most of the Real Estate market in our area. We now have highly skilled Realtors in our office with a total of more than 60 years experience. All of our Realtors are local residents and have a vast knowledge of Real Estate in the both Duchesne County and Uintah County. We service all of North Eastern Utah.
With our high traffic Website ranking at the top of most major search engines, your property will be seen by more buyers and will sell faster. Our buyers take advantage of the user friendly site to quickly find property that peaks their interest.
Shars Realty is independently owned and operated by Shar Benson who has over 23 years of experience selling Real Estate in the Uintah Basin.
Privacy Notice: We at Shar's Realty value you as a customer and want you to know that your personal privacy
is important to us. We do not sell or share any of our clients personal information with anyone.
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Branches and additional offices:
(435) 722-25451260 Club House Dr Roosevelt, UT 84066-2205