Albion Dental Center at Park City, where your comfort is our first priority. Jight off the Jeremy Ranch exit. Serving all your families dental needs for the Wasatch and Summit counties. Specializing is modern dental practices, ADA certified. Patient Amenities like, Bottled water (cold or room temperature), Watch a DVD Video or CD during your visit, Neck Pillow for your comfort, Blanket, Nitrous (Laughing) Gas, Pre-medication for anxiety (arrangements for pre-medication need to be made with the doctor prior to your appointment Refreshing, warm, moist lemon scented towel service for hands and face following treatment, Treatment for dry lips, Mouthwash, Refreshing mint after treatment and Hand lotion, Patient Care, We understand that many people are apprehensive about visiting the dentist, that is why it is our to goal for you, the patient to have the best possible dental experience. Relaxation Dentistry, We offer several different methods of relaxation and pain control. From Nitrous gas to IV (Intravenous) sedation, we strive to make your dental procedure as relaxing and pain-free as possible. Media Selections, Choose from a wide selection of movies, television programs and music selections to enjoy during your appointment. Or bring your own favorite CD or DVD.